The Countdown to Summer has Begun

My daughter has 4 weeks and counting until summer starts. What am I going to do with 2 kids home all day, everyday, all summer long? And what do I remember most about being a kid and my summers? Summer to me, means flexibility in schedules, and being outside and staying up late. After ending Spring Break a little disappointed that I didn't focus on more activities that I wanted to do with the kids, I am creating a cup with summer activities that I am writing on Popsicle sticks. We will pull 3 each week and plan our week around those activities. The amusement park, beach days, cooking, reading, and craft projects will all be attained and I feel with this plan we will all have a fun fulfilling summer. Here are some ideas: Before school ends, post a calendar of park meet ups so the kids can see their friends throughout the summer and you don't have to entertain a bunch of kids in your own home. You can get to know more of the parents,etc. This has been very fun f...