Back to School Takes a Look at Priorities and Setting Goals

This is my second year where I have looked forward to and dreaded being a slave to the school calendar and going back to school! My oldest will be in first grade this year. It seems that there are two sides to every point I am thinking of in saying goodbye to the beautiful Summer and hello to Fall. First off, I think we have had an amazing summer. We had a few beach days, played in a pool that was given to us most everyday, rode bikes, gone to the aquarium and the zoo, gone camping, boating, maintained a garden, checked off several house projects, and done it all while we both (Perry Mama and Perry Papa) somehow worked and kept it all on track. Boy, am I tired; and still attempting to fit in a few final activities in the last two days before school inevitable starts at 8:30 on Wednesday of this week!! OMG! I am looking forward to a longer school day, my daughter will go to school until 2:30 for the first time in her life! But, I am going t...