
Showing posts from October, 2013

Homemade Halloween Decor

I have been a little more motivated in creating some decorations this year for Halloween.  I mean we are in a house that we own now, so I can make things to fit our specific space. We live in the mountains and don't get many or possibly any trick or treators according to the neighbors.  But I think there is something festive about decorating for the people that might be driving by.  More importantly, I think the kids get a kick out of it.  Although it's been a bit difficult explaining to a 3 and 6 year old why scary décor is kind of fun, or even why being scared is fun. Have you tried to explain what a zombie is to a 6 year old? I didn't get a lot of reassurance it was understood. I finally used my favorite book recommendation site, A Mighty Girl , (I have a boy too and still: great title recommendations) and ordered a bunch of books from the library for their age groupings and hopefully that will help explain some of the concepts more in s...