
4-H Teaches Life Skills

4-H isn't just for raising livestock. I was in  4-H  when I was a kid from the age of nine all the way up until 15 and I should've stayed in longer. Yet, contrary to popular belief, I never raised any livestock. COMMUNITY MEETINGS I did learn how to participate and a formal meeting. Roberts rules and all… As a parent, having children in 4-H also learning the skills, can be painful to watch, but what a valuable skill it is to give them the confidence to participate in community meetings in the future. To know they bring their opinion to the table and have a confidence to speak in public. Just this year when beach junior guards was threatened to be canceled my daughter stood up at the city Council meeting and asked them to keep the program in place. Without 4-H, I don't know if she would've been confident enough to take that podium and speak in front of that room full of people. They are asked to create an agenda, come up with event ideas for each month in a...

Ground Water and Wells in Santa Cruz

I just heard on the radio about a meeting about ground water metering.  This concerns me as a homeowner who is on a well and this regulation will effect me and my neighborhood.  I think this is a controversial issue.  There are many issues with our ground water supply and protecting it.  When I bought my house, the well wasn't deep enough to provide water for a single family home.  Once a new well was drilled, we finally had adequate water supply.  Additionally, there is maintenance: testing if you are drinking the water and filtering out hard minerals, iron, etc. that can stain. Here's a recap from what I could put together from the mid county ground water website .  Please visit it for more info. Past Concerns In the past few years we have been experiencing a drought and that water supply has been questionable.  Many neighbors had to get water delivered once their well ran out of water for the season if their wells weren't deep enough on t...

New Years, Letting Go of the Past so you can Embrace the Future

Do you have a favorite New Years tradition ?  I was asked by my parents if we wanted them to take the kids overnight for New Years.  I really think that New Years is a time to be together and declined the invitation.  I love talking about our favorite things from the past year that we might want to continue or do again in the year to come and sharing plans of things we want to learn or experience. Reflect On The Past It's a wonderful thing to pause and reflect on the passing of time and we don't do it often enough. Even my daughter, who is only 9, said to me, that this year went by so fast.  Maybe it goes by fast when we are really busy doing things that we love.  And, as we get older, time seems to go faster and faster.  I am constantly surprised by my Time Hop App that shows pictures of the family only a few years ago and how much has changed in that short amount of time.  Pictures of my daughter from just two years ago with no front teeth. ...

Perry Family Sign Making

One of the things that I think is adorable in backyards are bright furniture and cute signs.  It adds character and color in a very easy way. It can even be informative to let people know where things are when you are entertaining. Because my husband is an amazing contractor, there are always interesting scraps of wood left. Another thing is that I love inspiring (or just cute) quotes.  This year I taught myself how to print items out on the computer and adhere them to cupboard doors or pieces of wood to hang as signs with modge podge (available in many different finishes glossy or mat or even outdoor sealer from amazon or any craft store):  My husband actually cut the piece of wood down to fit the sign perfectly, I don't know how to use a table saw though. This is on the inside of a cupboard, but in an accessible place for when I need it when I am cooking.  Laundry Stain Removal Guide modge podged to the inside of the laundry cupboard. Great quot...

Playing Hooky

I let my daughter stay home from school on Friday, and she wasn't sick.  It was so funny because I didn't really think that was a very big deal, but I got a very mixed reaction. My husband asked why?  I said because she wanted to and she always wants to go to school.  I figured if she was tired, then why not follow her lead.  After all it is the holiday season, it's a crazy time of year, why not take a day where nothing is planned and we do what we want in the moment, with no agenda.  A friend of mine said that her mom called them "mental health" days.  I was allowed to play hooky occasionally when I was a child.  Maximum, maybe once or twice a year, so I didn't abuse it. Both of my parents worked full time so it was only when they could be home with me which wasn't very often. The holiday season is so packed with special traditions and getting together with family and friends that we don't see all of the time.  If you can, why not...


If you are on facebook you are probably sick of November, with all of the thankful daily posts.  My favorite facebook posts are the posts that start a discussion or prompt a comment, or gives me more information on a subject I am interested in that I did not have without it before.  I don't need a 20 something list of the things people are thankful for. What is important to me is teaching my children gratitude.  It's also important to me to show them gratitude by example, and I am not sure I am always so great at that.  I always remind them to say "Thank You's" and "Please's."  But, they don't often remember on their own without the reminder, and then they just hear me say it over and over and over again. More important than just having manners, is thinking about what is meaningful in you life; it's why you make the decisions you do, it's being appreciative of life's little gifts.  When we see a beautiful sunset, do we say thank y...

Clean Out and Clean Up for the Holidays

It's time to make room for all that extra stuff that comes with the holiday season. From cleaning out the freezer to make room for leftovers for Thanksgiving, to getting out the decorations and wondering what items to put away while putting the seasonal stuff up. Additionally, my kids are working on their Christmas lists and I am thinking, where is it all going to go? My daughter has a hard time letting go of things.  Call it an emotional attachment, or as her teacher put it a pack rat.  I sneak into her room when she is at school to clean out things and she rarely notices they are missing. I was discussing this with a fellow mom recently, and she suggested that this is a value teaching point that I should meet head on to teach her how to let go of items that are no longer played with.  And there could be some added incentives.  Used clothing stores, usually have sections for books, DVDs and gently used toys.  I could put the items in her name a...