Clean Out and Clean Up for the Holidays

It's time to make room for all that extra stuff that comes with the holiday season. From cleaning out the freezer to make room for leftovers for Thanksgiving, to getting out the decorations and wondering what items to put away while putting the seasonal stuff up. Additionally, my kids are working on their Christmas lists and I am thinking, where is it all going to go?

My daughter has a hard time letting go of things.  Call it an emotional attachment, or as her teacher put it a pack rat.  I sneak into her room when she is at school to clean out things and she rarely notices they are missing. I was discussing this with a fellow mom recently, and she suggested that this is a value teaching point that I should meet head on to teach her how to let go of items that are no longer played with.  And there could be some added incentives.  Used clothing stores, usually have sections for books, DVDs and gently used toys.  I could put the items in her name and then she could pick out a new toy with the credit she gets.  These stores are a great option for me, because I do not have the garage sale track record to know how to price things on my own to get rid of them, plus the added time of keeping up your posting and meeting with strangers.

In addition to being emotionally attached to her toys, my daughter is also quite the writer and artist.  I have a huge bin in her room full of school and home artwork.  A few favorites of mine I have hung up or framed or even given to grandparents as holiday gifts, the rest I you can take a picture of even with your child holding it with their proud little smile and organize these things with apps on your phone like Keepy or upload the pictures to a photo website and make photo books which are nice and organized and fit nicely on a shelf instead of taking up a huge ugly bin in their room.

Facebook has been a great tool for local meet ups where you can sell things at a local park.  Great mom connections as well, and you can make some cash easily if these work out for you.  Again, I have trouble knowing how to price items. The Salvation Army has put together a wonderful pricing tool, here. Maybe I am emotionally attached as well and overprice items.  It becomes easier to donate the items to the local school/church rummage sale or Goodwill or Salvation Army or Grey Bears rather than hold on to them hoping to find the right home.  Schools sometimes need extra clothes and supplies which is a good option for donating some items.  Libraries also will take books, and DVDS, just put it through the slot when returning your other items.  Some people really use those tax write off receipts, do you itemize?

We have been the recipient of some lovely hand me downs and it is always good karma to return the favor if you have families around you that could benefit.  Seasonal items are a good one to trade, every year while the kids are little, I need new or gently used sized  rain boots, snow pants, snow boots, etc.  And since I have a boy and a girl, I tend to buy those items in gender neutral colors so I can hang on to it for the second round and save some cash.

In conclusion, whatever works for you, garage sales or used children stores, donation, or craigslist posting; be smart, stay safe and enjoy the new space you create by letting go of old things. This is always a good reminder as we approach the holidays and sometimes need to create some space to breath.

Happy organizing!

~Perry Mama


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